Introducing Data Analysis with Pandas for Scientists and Engineers!

No Such Thing as a Dumb Question
At Diller Digital, we love student questions! As we like to say — if you have a question, chances are good someone else in the class does too, and they'll thank you for speaking up. We recognize that questions and problems provide good context for learning, so we encourage you to bring your specific use cases to class with you and take advantage of the opportunity to interact with your live instructor. That's the Diller Digital Difference you won't get in books, blogs, or videos!
By the end of Data Analysis with Pandas for Scientists & Engineers, you will have experience working with data through each stage of the data analysis workflow. You will have a collection of scripts, notebooks, and functions that you wrote during class as well as a rich collection of demos and examples that come with the class materials. You will have a structured way to approach data analysis problems and a full toolbox to solve them.
Data Analysis with Pandas for Scientists & Engineers can set you up for success with Machine Learning for Scientists & Engineers or Deep Learning for Scientists & Engineers. Check out the course catalog for next available dates or email if you don't see a date that suites you.
"Materials were well structured and instructors were prepared and kept a good space."
- Analyst at a large US financial institution
"There are some materials you do not easily search online"
- Different Analyst at the same large US financial institution
"I think the difference between wide and tidy data will help me a lot with working with my own data. I also think I will get a lot out of knowing how to rearrange and relabel DataFrame information."
-Engineer at Sandia National Laboratories