Arrays and Lists
I often get questions about the difference between the Python list
and the NumPy ndarray
, and we talk about this a lot in Python Foundations for Scientists & Engineers. But recently I had a question about the array
object that is part of the Python language, and why don’t we use it for computations? Why is NumPy necessary if Python has an array
data type? Well, this is a great question!
First of all, let’s take a quick look at the Python array
. It’s found in the array
standard library and usually imported as arr
>>> import array as arr
Like a NumPy ndarray
, it has a data type, and every element of the array has to conform to that type. Set the data type in in the first argument when creating the array. 'l'
in this case specifies a 4-byte signed integer:
>>> a = arr.array('l', range(5))
>>> a
array('l', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
It has the same indexing and slicing behavior as a Python list
, and we even see that it has the same “multiplication” behavior as lists: i.e. “multiplying” means repetition, not element-wise, arithmetic multiplication as with the NumPy ndarray
With that in mind, computations look the same for array
s as for list
>>> b = arr.array(a.typecode, (v + 1 for v in a))
>>> b
array('l', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
Let’s use IPython’s %timeit
magic to see how array
computations fare in comparison with Python list
s and NumPy ndarray
s. For the list
and array
, we’ve specified a list comprehensions as the most efficient way to do the computations and a simple vector computation for the NumPy ndarray
, and our test is to increment sequence of 10 integers:
In [1]: import array as arr
...: import numpy as np
...: %timeit [val + 1 for val in list(range(10))]
...: %timeit arr.array('q', [val + 1 for val in arr.array('q', range(10))])
...: %timeit np.arange(10) + 1
279 ns ± 45.8 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000,000 loops each)
825 ns ± 5.22 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000,000 loops each)
1.03 μs ± 98.7 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000,000 loops each)
It’s surprising to note that list
comprehension is fastest, beating array
computation by a factor of 3 or so, and beating ndarray
computation by a factor of 3.7! Suspecting that a 10-integer sequence may not be representative, let’s bump it up to 1000:
In [2]: %timeit [val + 1 for val in list(range(1000))]
...: %timeit arr.array('q', [val + 1 for val in arr.array('q', range(1000))])
...: %timeit np.arange(1000) + 1
28.4 μs ± 3.47 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10,000 loops each)
82.4 μs ± 9.05 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10,000 loops each)
1.82 μs ± 175 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000,000 loops each)
With more numbers to chew on, NumPy clearly pulls ahead, suggesting the overhead of creating an ndarray
may dominate computation time for small arrays, but the actual computation time is relatively small. The Python array
is still relatively inefficient compared to the Python list
. Let’s make some helper functions to compare how long it takes to increment each value in list
s, array
s, and NumPy ndarray
s accross a broad range of different sizes. Each function will accept a list
, array
, or ndarray
and return the time (in ms) required to increment each value by 1.
In [3]: from datetime import datetime
...: def inc_list_by_one(l):
...: start =
...: res = [val + 1 for val in l]
...: return ( - start).total_seconds() * 1000
...: def inc_array_by_one(a):
...: start =
...: res = arr.array(a.typecode, [val + 1 for val in a])
...: return ( - start).total_seconds() * 1000
...: def inc_numpy_array_by_one(arr):
...: start =
...: res = arr + 1
...: return ( - start).total_seconds() * 1000
Now let’s record the computation times for a range of array sizes and plot them using matplotlib
and seaborn
In [14]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
...: import seaborn as sns
...: times = []
...: for size in range(1, 10_000_001, 200_000):
...: times.append((
...: size,
...: inc_list_by_one(list(range(size))),
...: inc_array_by_one(arr.array('q', range(size))),
...: inc_numpy_array_by_one(np.arange(size)),
...: ))
...: times_arr = np.array(times)
...: sns.regplot(x=times_arr[:, 0], y=times_arr[:, 1], label='Python list')
...: sns.regplot(x=times_arr[:, 0], y=times_arr[:, 2], label='Python array')
...: sns.regplot(x=times_arr[:, 0], y=times_arr[:, -1], label='Numpy array')
...: plt.xlabel('Array Size (num elements)')
...: plt.ylabel('Time to Increment by 1 (ms)')
...: plt.legend()
…and now it’s clear that computation times for Python list
s and array
s scale with the size of the object much faster than NumPy ndarray
s do. And it’s also clear that the Python array
is no improvement for computations, static typing notwithstanding. Let’s quantify:
In [26]: print(f'Python list {np.polyfit(times_arr[:, 0], times_arr[:, 1], 1)[0]:.2e} (ms/element)')
...: print(f'Python array {np.polyfit(times_arr[:, 0], times_arr[:, 2], 1)[0]:.2e} (ms/element)')
...: print(f'NumPy ndarray {np.polyfit(times_arr[:, 0], times_arr[:, -1], 1)[0]:.2e} (ms/element)')
Python list 4.02e-05 (ms/element)
Python array 6.50e-05 (ms/element)
NumPy ndarray 2.01e-06 (ms/element)
So if we take the slope of those curves as a gauge of performance, Python array
s are roughly 40% slower in computation than list
s, and the NumPy ndarray
computations run in about 95% less time, on average for arrays that are not trivially small. This is because NumPy takes advantage of knowing the data type of each element and setting up efficient strides in memory for computations, which can be optimized at the operating system and hardware levels.
What, then, is the advantage of the Python array
over a Python list
? With helper functions similar to the ones above, we can return sys.getsizeof()
sample list
and array
objects over the same range of sizes. Plotting the results, we see something interesting:
Memory consumption for both Python array
s and NumPy ndarray
s scale exactly linearly with the number of elements (the q
typcode specifies a signed integer with a minimum 8 bytes, which corresponds to the default int64
dytpe for integer NumPy ndarray
s.) But notice how the Python list
memory consumption increases stepwise. This is an implementation detail of the Python list
type that allows it to quickly add elements without shifting memory after each append
operation. And this is likely the explanation for why list
s can be faster and more efficient than array
s. When a new value is written to an array
, it likely often occurs that the some or all of the object needs to be shuffled in memory to find contiguous locations, but a list
is optimized for appending, so a certain number of additions can be made before any reshuffling happens.
To test this, we can compare the computation times for an array
computed with a list comprehension against an array
that is copied and overwritten:
def inc_array_by_one_with_copy(a):
start =
res = copy(a)
for i, val in enumerate(a):
res[i] = val + 1
return ( - start).total_seconds() * 1000
Plotted, we see that the copy-fill approach is marginally faster, and there is less variation, likely due to fewer memory relocations.
In conclusion, it helps to understand that the array
type is really intended as a Python wrapper around a C array, and there are some functions and codes that use it to efficiently return a Python object. But as for computations, I hope I’ve conviced you that the NumPy ndarray
is the right type for computations in terms of both memory and computation efficiency. As for Python array
s, now you know what they are, and you can safely ignore them in favor of the ndarray
for your scientific computations.
1 comment
A couple of notes on array vs. lists:
- the memory usage of a list really should include the total memory usage of all the unique elements: each and every distinct integer object in the list examples above is another 28 bytes of memory usage (so a list with one element repeated uses only 28 more bytes, but a list with a million values will use an extra 28 megabytes!) Both NumPy and Python arrays are in general much more memory efficient.
- like NumPy arrays, Python arrays provide the buffer protocol, so they can be used to hold binary data to be shared with libraries like Pillow when you don’t have NumPy available, and they can be efficiently sliced and diced with memoryview objects.
But yes, when you have NumPy you rarely have any need for Python arrays.